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Bhutan Weather in February

The average temperature in Bhutan in February is between 4 °C and 16 °C.

During the day with the average temperature being 16°C, it is recommended to wear warm clothes such as suits, jackets, windbreakers, jackets, suits, and thin sweaters.

At night with the average temperature being 4°C, it is recommended to wear windbreaker, down jackets, coat, sweater, wool suit and other warm clothes.

Average temperatures in various regions of Bhutan in February 2019 Paro Thimphu Punakha Trongsa Bumthang Mongar Trashigang
Max 13.0 14.4 19.0 13.9 10.0 15.9 21.7
Min 1.5 0.6 7.8 0.4 -1.4 8.3 11.5

Average temperatures in various regions of Bhutan in February 2018 Paro Thimphu Punakha Trongsa Bumthang Mongar Trashigang
Max 13.3 14.7 19.3 14.2 10.3 16.2 22.0
Min 1.8 0.9 8.1 0.7 -1.1 8.6 11.8

Average temperatures in various regions of Bhutan in February 2017 Paro Thimphu Punakha Trongsa Bumthang Mongar Trashigang
Max 12.7 14.1 18.7 13.6 9.7 15.6 21.4
Min 1.2 0.3 7.5 0.1 -1.7 8.0 11.2
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